Barry Donadio Addresses the Sea Cadets of #738 Division

Barry Donadio Celebrity Author
2 min readNov 20, 2023


Barry Donadio addressed the Sea Cadets of #738 Division on Nov. 18th 2023

On November 18th, 2023, Barry Donadio addressed the Queen Anne’s County Sea Cadets at the American Legion Post #296 hall in Queenstown, Maryland

Donadio spoke to the cadets about his military experiences as well as his service int he U.S. Secret Service. He offered the group some advice on how to steer their military careers and he thanks them for their service to the community and the nation.

Barry Donadio addressed the Sea Cadets of #738 Division on Nov. 18th 2023

Donadio said “I just had an opportunity yesterday to meet and speak with America’s future U.S. naval leaders. Thank you Queen Anne’s County, Sea Cadets, Maryland SSBN 738 Division. This is a well discipline and capable group of cadets. They are ready to protect the Unites States of America at any time because of their high motivation rate. Thank you Cadets for your service. I am very proud of all of you.”

Barry Donadio addressed the Sea Cadets of #738 Division on Nov. 18th 2023

Catherine Medary later spoke of Donadio’s appearance with the Sea Cadets.

“We had a SPECIAL GUEST speaker, Barry Donadio who joined us with his beautiful wife and daughter who helped assist.

As our guest speaker at our Division on Kent Island, he shared his life and what he loved doing and what brought him together in his circle of life of who he is now. What a honor and privilege we all had and to shake his hand.

Barry Donadio is a Celebrity to us all!

He is a Author of many books on his life experiences. (Which I will find time to get and read when I get a break. He once worked as a U.S. Secret Service along side of president Bush and President Obama.He is a War Veteran, the Sgt @ Arms MDGOP and Founder of Public Security LLC.

This gentelmen and wonderful friend of our Division and with the USNSCC and highly respected for his Service. We enjoyed his presence yesterday.”



Barry Donadio Celebrity Author

President of Public Security LLC, Former U.S. Secret Service, Celebrity Author, American Politician, Sergeant at Arms of the MDGOP, Pro-America