Barry Donadio Endorses Andy Harris For U.S. Congress in Maryland’s 1st District 2022

Barry Donadio Celebrity Author
1 min readJun 23, 2022


Congressman Andy Harris and wife Nicole with Barry Donadio

On June 23rd 2022, Conservative Republican Politician Barry Donadio endorsed Dr. Andy Harris for U.S. Congress in Maryland’s 1st District for the 2022 election.

One thing is for sure, Donadio likes to endorse conservative Republicans who protect the second amendment and fight for the police and a strong U.S. Military. He also backs pro-life politicians like Andy Harris.

Donadio said: I will be voting for and fully supporting Dr. Andy Harris for U.S. Congress for Maryland’s District 1 on election day.”

Donadio always described Dr. Andy Harris as a people’s Congressmen that is focused on providing the best service to all the people he represents in his district.

“ I have seen him with my own eyes zealously defend attacks on the second amendment, pro-life and our law enforcement.” I have also seen him do everything in his power to assist veterans and fight for their rights.” said Donadio.

Donadio is encouraging all his supporters to assist the Harris campaign and make a contribution.



Barry Donadio Celebrity Author

President of Public Security LLC, Former U.S. Secret Service, Celebrity Author, American Politician, Sergeant at Arms of the MDGOP, Pro-America