Does Barry Donadio Know What Took Down TWA Flight 800?

Barry Donadio Celebrity Author
7 min readJun 14, 2021
Barry Donadio (Photo by Chirsty Bowe of Imagecatcher News)

As the 25th anniversary of the crash of TWA Flight 800 approaches, more and more people are seeking answers as to why the plane crashed from one of the most interesting persona of our time, Barry Donadio.

Looking into Barry Donadio will grab one’s interest and make those who do wonder. He may be one of the most interesting people you will come across. He has managed to stay out of the spotlight for the last 20 years or so. That was until he left government service. After that, he went into the private sector and politics in June of 2013. He is ever gaining more exposure and public interest day by day. Just Google him and you’ll see for yourself.

Mr. Donadio is one of those people that seems to be in right place at the right time. One of those times was when he was a first responding Emergency Medical Technician on the night of the crash of TWA Flight 800. That was back on July 17th 1996. He was at the Coast Guard station where all the operations were taking place during the rescue. It was used as a medical triage for survivors that never came, only bodies came.

Senior Airman Barry Donadio, 106th Security Police, Westhampton Beach, New York July 9th 1994

Interestingly enough, he was serving a full-time position as a Security Police Officer at the Westhampton, New York Air Force base. If you do your own research, you will come to some of your own conclusions regarding the involvement of the military on the evening of the disaster. Many still believe that the military downed the plane. It is a fact that some of the first recovered parts of the plane were kept in a hanger at the base where he served. In his book, he stated that he protected those parts when they were stored there. The parts to the plane were later moved to hanger in Calverton, New York. This is where they later rebuilt the plane for the investigation to determine why it crashed. This fed into the conspiracy theories back then and still do now.

In 1990, Barry Donadio originally served in New York as a Volunteer Firefighter with the Terryville Fire Department. After moving out of Terryville Fire District, he served in the Center Moriches Fire Department. By 1996, he was a 25 year old member of the East Moriches Community Ambulance, serving as a Volunteer EMT when the crash occurred. But, this was only the work he did. In actuality, he was in the military at that same time. His career first began while serving in the Army Infantry in December of 1987. Then the Army Military Police in 1990. By the time of the crash he had already been serving full-time in the New York Air Guard as Security Police Officer, and later as an Investigator. He also led the SWAT team at the Westhampton Air Base. Quite impressive to say the least.

There is actually more. In 2002, he took a position at the White House in the U.S. Secret Service. He served on the elite U.S. Secret Service Emergency Response Team (ERT) under the Bush and Obama administrations. You can still find him in multiple pictures on the internet on the grounds of the White House with his P-90 machine-gun slung on him. He was even on the Secret Service website for a while. You may ask “How did he pull that off?”

Knowing all of that, we can certainly conclude that he also held highest top secret security clearances that the government can grant. That would also grant him access to America’s most secret information.

Mr. Donadio has verified the date of June 28th 2013 as being his final day of federal service. By July 15th 2013, he is in pictures with the CEO of Epix Television, Mark Greenberg. You see, Epix Television released their documentary on TWA Flight 800 weeks later.

He released his book called “TWA Flight 800 First Responder Witness Account” in September 2013.

At the same time he was already President of his cloak and dagger private security and investigation firm. The firm advertises that it provides collection and analysis of intelligence and has paramilitary teams to deploy to war zones. You are probably wondering how to apply for a position with his company.

In 2014, he was elected Queen Anne’s County Republican Central Committee in Maryland. That position allows him the luxury and prestige of being an Officer of the Republican Party in Maryland. He seems to be known by every Politician in Maryland because he is in pictures with all of them. He is even in photos including President Donald Trump, Dr. Ben Carson and Senator Marco Rubio just to name a few. He has become quite savoy in politics lately. In January 2017 he was appointed Sergeant at Arms of the entire Republican Party in Maryland. That is a title that very few people can ever say they have obtained. He has done all this at the ripe old age of only 50. Incredible!

Back to the original question that started this whole article.

Does Barry Donadio know what or who took down TWA Flight 800?

The answer is; “He probably does.” In fact, we would bet a paycheck that he does know, but he’s not talking. He probably never will either. If you are asking why not, that gets complicated.

Barry Donadio, EMT 1996

Holders of very high level top secret security clearances are required to sign agreements with the Government that restrict them from sharing information with the public that may be considered confidential, secret, top secret or damaging to national security. He is most likely restricted under those agreements. He had a such a top security clearance that even many Senators and Congressmen don’t even have.

As it seems, he may very well be the Government itself and it is in his best interest not to discuss the reason for the crash. That is not a far fetched assumption based on his credentials.

Everyone looks at the Government as a robot or a machine, but it consists of people. These people change with the times. Is it possible that he could be one of the major players the Government? Perhaps he is one of those people who operate on the sidelines in the shadows of the more known govenment officals. We may never know, but it sure looks like it. What we do know is that many people are not satisfied with the explanation regarding the crash of TWA Flight 800.

When Barry Donadio is asked what he thinks caused the plane crash, he responds “ I do not discuss the reason or my opinion regarding the reason for the crash.” “ I only discuss what I observed that evening as a 25 year old Emergency Medical Technician responding to help victims.”

EMT patch like the one worn by Barry Donadio in 1996

He takes great care not to criticize the Government regarding TWA Flight 800. This leaves many to wonder why not.

The things Mr. Donadio will discuss, are already in his book. If you looking for a reason for the crash of TWA Flight 800, there may be some clues in his book that you might be looking for, but you wont find the reason for the disaster. Clues that may piece together a puzzle of facts and information that could one day lead to more answers for those seeking them.

His book is very informative. It also gives us a look at who Mr. Donadio really is and his passion for helping people. He is an all around nice person that really seems to care.

Reading further through his book, I noticed that he will be writing more books that he already named in September 2013. One of them came to our attention. The name of his future book is “China Digesting”. People have become very curious about this one. In case you have not noticed all the issues we have been having with China in the South China Sea has really heated up. Mr. Donadio obviously had knowledge of future events back in 2013 on the issue. This certainly validates that he is a leader in the intelligence field. We wonder if he may have some insight on the potential crisis ahead?

In 2019, Donadio released a very interesting fiction called “That Day When Hell Froze Over”

By ED, Saturday Morning Vogue Review

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Barry Donadio Celebrity Author

President of Public Security LLC, Former U.S. Secret Service, Celebrity Author, American Politician, Sergeant at Arms of the MDGOP, Pro-America