Public Security LLC Says Armed Security Needed In Every Mall And Church

Barry Donadio Celebrity Author
2 min readAug 29, 2019


Two Public Security cruisers protect a site in Columbia, Maryland (2019)

The staff of a private security firm is advising that all churches and malls take immediate actions to obtain armed private security at their venues in 2019 and moving into 2020.

Public Security LLC is an upscale private security firm that is licensed in New York and Maryland. The firm also provides bodyguards for high-risk clients.

Public Security LLC logo

This is not your usual security company. This firm also watches hot spots around the world and assesses the military power of other countries. They also activly gather open source intelligence around the world. The firm is led by Barry Donadio, a former member of the U.S. Secret Service.

Barry Donadio, President of Public Security LLC

Donadio says that because of the sustained rate of domestic active shooter events in the United States there needs to be armed security in malls and churches at all times. He also recommends armed security in every school , trade school or educational facility.

Donadio concluded that he believes that the domestic attacks will continue and possibbly increase slightly over the next 5 years.

Donadio warns consumers to always check the credentials of any security company that they are considering to use for protecting their assets. Public Security LLC uses off duty police officers, military veterans and defense contractors. All of the staff ore licensed security officers or private detectives.

Public Security LLC Customer Service 855–589–2267



Barry Donadio Celebrity Author

President of Public Security LLC, Former U.S. Secret Service, Celebrity Author, American Politician, Sergeant at Arms of the MDGOP, Pro-America