“We The People Demand Justice Against Unlawful Protesters” Says Donadio

Barry Donadio Celebrity Author
3 min readMay 30, 2020


On May 30th, Conservative Republican Politician and former member of the U.S. Secret Service called on state and federal prosecutors to charge every single person that committed a crime during the wide spread riots bringing attention to the death of George Floyd.

Yesterday, Barry Donadio released a strong statement condemning thugs who have resorted to committing crimes during the recent protests. In addition others who have ceased the oportunity to carry out their criminal deeds.

“If someone dislikes the outcome of an event, it does not give them validity and the right to commit crimes in the name of that cause.” Donadio explained.

“ I support and always will support the people’s constitutional right to protest. However, protests must be lawful. If you are out there committing crimes during a protest, you are only a worthless thug that will end up in a jail cell where you belong.”

“I am representing the unheard and ignored massive majority of Americans of many backgrounds and races that have rational intellect. They are the People of the United States of America. That is, We the People.”

We the People are disgusted by what we see on television when a U.S. city is burned to the ground by thugs claiming to be protesting in support of a worthy cause. When in fact they (the criminals, not the true protesters) were just looking for any excuse to have an unrestricted field day. They wanted to do as they pleased by committing any criminal act they could without any legal accountability.”

“Therefore, We the People demand justice against those who have commited any crime whatsoever during the protests regarding the death of George Floyd. Prosecute each and every one of them. No matter what legal lengths are necessary to complete the task.”

On June 2nd, 2020, Donadio said “It is time to invoke the Inserrection Act of 1807”

Barry Donadio is a native of New York who led an honorable career in the Volunteer Ambulance Service, Volunteer Fire Department, the Military, Law Enforcement, and the United States Secret Service. He was assigned to the White House to protect Presidents Bush and Obama. He also served in multiple Middle Eastern war zones during his career. In 2013, he authored the book “ TWA Flight 800 First Responder Witness Account”. This is his account describing his actions during the rescue of TWA Flight 800 on July 17th, 1996. In 2014, he was elected to the Queen Anne’s County Republican Central Committee in Maryland. He successfully completed his 4-year term. January 2017, he was appointed the Sergeant at Arms of the Maryland Republican Party by the Honorable Dirk Haire. Donadio continues to serve as the President of Public Security LLC. It is a high-profile private security and investigation firm that provides protection to high-risk clients in Maryland, New York, and dangerous overseas locations. Donadio published his the second book “That Day When Hell Froze Over” on August 17th, 2019. As of January 2020, Donadio continues to serve as the Sergeant at Arms of the MDGOP


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Barry Donadio Celebrity Author

President of Public Security LLC, Former U.S. Secret Service, Celebrity Author, American Politician, Sergeant at Arms of the MDGOP, Pro-America